Pogreb potporučnika Z. Marinkovića
Egyéb cím(ek): Funeral of Lieutenant Z. Marinkovic
Műfaj: Documentary
Év: 1913
Játékidő: 00:05:26
Leírás: FUNERAL OF THE SECOND LIUETENANT ZIVOJIN MARINKOVIC FROM THE XII INFANTRY REGIMENT WHO DIED ON KISELICA NEAR KRIVA PALANKA The Second Lieutenant Zivojin Marinkovic from the XII Infantry Regiment “Car Lazar“ of the Sumadija Division of I age class in the formation of the III Army, died heroically of the Bulgarian grenade on Zedilovacka ridge on the 6th July 1913 during the battle on Kiselica. His burial on the 7th July 1913 in Kriva Palanka was recorded by the cameramen of the producer Djoka Bogdanovic, who filmed the bringing of the coffin into the church of Saint Demetrius, funeral service and burial on the local cemetery.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / Balkanski rat; Srbija; Srpska vojska / Balkan Wars; Serbia: Serbian Army / Serbia -- History -- 1804-1918 / Patriotism / Military funerals / Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes / Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913 -- Atrocities / Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913 -- Regimental histories
Szolgáltató: Jugoslovenska Kinoteka
Jogok: In Copyright / Jugoslovenska kinoteka
Gyártó: Đoka Bogdanović
Szín: Black & White
Sound: With sound
A dokument típusa:
Gyűjtemény: Đoka Bogdanović